
The Prop-GPT Advantage


Traditional Property Sites

No packages. No subscription fees.
Costly Subscriptions and Pay-to-Play Boosting: Traditional property sites can be expensive for sellers. Subscription fees are often significant and continue to rise. To gain wider visibility, sellers often have to pay additional fees for boosting posts, which can create an unfair advantage and complicate the search process.

Prop-GPT empowers sellers’ to advertise on the Google search engine in an easy, seamless and cost-effective manner, ensuring potential buyers and tenants land directly on their property page. Compared to boosting on traditional portals, Prop-GPT’s search advertising results in much higher viewership and far greater lead generation, at much lower costs.
Other portals do not advertise sellers’ properties on search engines.

Business Model – Scale and Cost Structure
Prop-GPT leverages analytics, automation and a lean operational model to achieve global scalability. This eliminates the need for subscription fees, making it an attractive option for sellers. By partnering with Google Search, Prop-GPT unlocks economies of scale in advertising, offering a much more cost-effective and impactful solution compared to traditional property marketing approaches.
Other portals are non-scalable and will remain confined to a few countries. They have a relatively high-cost structure, high overheads, and are heavily reliant on fees.

Ranking of Posts
On Prop-GPT, user engagement drives visibility. Properties that generate more interest, through clicks, views, and inquiries, naturally rise in search rankings. Along with the emphasis on co-op advertising, this ensures genuine posts with high user appeal are seen first.
Traditional property portals aim to maximize their revenue. They rely on a system where sellers pay extra for higher placement. Convoluted bidding features are designed to intensify competition between agents and increase revenue for the property site.

Table  Comparison between Prop-GPT and traditional property sites.

Running out of Ad Credits? Is your Subscription Fee too High? Are you confused by convoluted terminology and hidden fees? Do you feel you have lost control? Must you rely on domineering property sites?

If you’re experiencing these issues, rest assured they will vanish once you embrace Prop-GPT, an innovative, friendly, collaborative platform designed to empower you (see table).

Why Prop-GPT Stands Out

Prop-GPT is unique — there is nothing comparable

Unlike other property portals, Prop-GPT isn’t just a listing site. It’s an advertising platform specifically for properties.

Traditional portals charge subscription/listing fees and advertise their portals, not your property. Your property gets lost among 50,000 to 100,000 others, prompting you to buy ad credits, with opaque algorithms determining their cost.

Prop-GPT is different. It empowers you to advertise YOUR property on Google, so that customers land directly on your property page (refer to the exhibit below). Your property is no longer lost in cyberspace—since you pay for clicks, you get clicks, i.e., customer traffic. Additionally, advertising through Prop-GPT boosts your property’s ranking on the platform.

Advertising YOUR web page on Prop-GPT advertising portal.

Exhibit: Advertising YOUR property (rental example) — Imagine potential tenants seeing a clear, informative ad for your property on Google Search, complete with your contact details and a direct link to your listing. That’s the Prop-GPT difference.

Benefits of Prop-GPT Advertising

There is more good news. Other than for advertising, which are optional, Prop-GPT is free to use. No subscription fees, no hidden costs, no surprises. Just effective property advertising.

Video  Video on how to list your property on Prop-GPT and advertise it on Google.

How to List your Property on Prop-GPT and Advertise on Google

Prop-GPT makes it easy for you to advertise your property on Google and boost its on-platform ranking. The process (see demo video) involves filling in relevant details for Google Ads and your property page.

It’s easy — just select the LIST (advertise) tab from the menu and click ‘For Sale’ or ‘For Rent’. You can describe your property the way you want to, and add photos and videos.

As you will see from the demo video it takes only a few minutes to post and advertise your property, provided your property photos and property details are ready.

To advertise, you set the daily budget and the ad duration (in days). Note that:

For detailed instructions, tips and training on how list properties on Prop-GPT refer this training guide.

How to manage your Properties on Prop-GPT

Registration: Prop-GPT automatically registers you when you post your first property. If you prefer, you also have the option to register manually using the system’s registration facility.

Login: To manage your account and your properties you need to login with your email and password.

Profile: Go to your profile page to view/edit your personal Prop-GPT webpage. In order to advertise, you need to top-up your your account by clicking the blue top-up button.

POSTS: This is your home page. It maintains a record of all your property posts, and lets you advertise, refresh, view, edit, de-list and delete posts.

Now is a good time to get started. If you have questions or need help, don’t hesitate to contact us.