Western Australia 6215
Asking Price (AUD): $2,850,000
Type: Other
Floor (sqm): 204
This property is a highly arable grazing and hay property that has recently had lime and fertiliser applications. It features excellent fencing throughout, including an all-weather laneway. There is abundant water available through bores and permanent fresh springs. The property also includes a hay shed, steel cattle yards, and can currently support 100 mated cows along with annual hay production. With great value in the current market, interested parties can contact the joint agents, Hugh Ness at 0428 551 742 or hugh.ness@raywhite.com (Ray White Rural WA), or Don Fry at 0418 909 916 or donfry@lawd.com.au (LAWD).
1081 Buller Road Waroona 6215, Western Australia 6215
Hamel, Kalgoorlie, WA 6215, Western Australia - Wheat Belt, WA