2 6

Western Australia 6701

Asking Price (AUD): $375,000

Type: House

Floor (sqm): 882

Bedrooms: 4 Prop-GPT: Bedrooms  Bathrooms: 2 Prop-GPT: Bathrooms  Car parking spaces: 2 Prop-GPT: Car parking spaces

Large four bedroom two bathroom (1 toilet) double brick and tile home. Near new kitchen, formal lounge with raked ceiling and exposed beams, and spacious family room. Master bedroom has ensuite (no toilet) walk in robe and built in robes. There is split system air conditioning, solar hot water, a double garage under the main roof and a full length patio/pergola. 882 sqm fully fenced corner block.


38 Willesee Street Carnarvon 6701, Western Australia 6701

Carnarvon, Kalgoorlie, WA 6701, Western Australia - Outback, WA

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